
Subsolid Nodules Phantom

41923-000 Mixed Concentric Quote
41923-100 Mixed Eccentric Quote
41923-200 Mixed Eccentric, (double solid fields) Quote

Both mixed and pure GGO are provided in a variety of sizes and HU numbers.

  • GGA
  • N1
Features 1. Subsolid Nodules Phantom is a set of simulated lesions designed for study and training in Grand-Glass Opacity (GGO) detection and interpretation.
2. The set also includes 3-D GGO modeled on clinical CT data. The simulated lesions can be attached to the pulmonary vessels of the Chest Phantom N1 "LUNGMAN" or in the CT Lung Phantom.
Case / Pathology 41923-000: 7 x Mixed concentric GGO
41923-100: 8 x Mixed eccentric GGO
41923-200: 2 x Mixed eccentric GGO (double solid fields)
41923-300: 8 x pure GGO
41923-400: 1 x 3D GGO
Related products PH-1 Multipurpose Chest phantom N1 "LUNGMAN"
Update July 25, 2020
