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We had our first Physical Assessment ”Physiko” Workshop in China!
@GUANG ZHOU 12th January, 2019
Until the last minutes our team was very nervous how the event would go, but it turned out to be a big success! Thank you all!

Workshop participant with Physiko happily smiling

Why did we do this Physiko workshop in China?

Although our Physiko is well recognized among Japanese nursing educators, in China, the name is still something known to those in the know. Having said that there are enthusiastic teachers who already incorporating Physiko in their teaching. Can't we network them with other educators to bring a change? So we decided to create an opportunity for Physiko users in China to talk more about our Physiko!

Who were the target for this workshop?

This workshop was held for the nursing teachers who are in charge of physical assessment course, and also for the nurses in hospitals who are in charge of new nurses’ education.

How many attendees were there?

It was our first try so we thought maybe 20 people would come to our workshop, but it turned out that almost 40 people came!

So, how was this workshop like?

First, presenters, who are already Physiko users, introduced to attendees how they are currently using Physiko in teaching.

Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Liu from Sun Yat-sen University (in the top three of China) gave us a lecture about how they are currently using Physiko in teaching. They usually use the “Physical Examination Skills Training” mode to let students practice auscultation of heart sounds and breath sounds, they also use the ECG training mode in OSCE examination to test their students if they understand where to put the ECG leads.

Next, attendees worked their hands-on with Physiko!

Then, watched a movie to demonstrate an example of training course with Physiko in Japan.

The movie is about the whole process of fourth grader students doing the simulation training by Physiko. For the preparation, Physiko was set up as a COPD patient. During the simulation, the students need to find out what happened to the patient, and do the right treatment. After that, they need to check if the patient responded properly or not. Lastly, the teacher and students did a debriefing about the simulation and learned what they did right, and what needed improvement on.

How did attenders feel?

"With Physiko, we can teach the students how to assess abnormal cases much easily than now!" -Attendee A
"The heart sounds and lung sounds are so real! The existing scenario mode could be used in test!" -Attendee B
"We had a chance to speak with other teachers and exchange knowledge!" -Attendee C

Thank you all again!

our staff

aged care portrate Writer: Kini Kyu

I was born in China, and I have lived in Kyoto for about 6 years. Now I am in charge of Chinese market and I enjoy my life in Kyoto.